• May 31, 2023

Water Efficiency Audits

From meeting CSR commitments to avoiding overcharges on your business' water bills, learn why it's important to conduct water efficiency audits.

Clear News Green

Water efficiency audits are a method we use to understand a business’ water use and disposal patterns. Through interview, on-site observation and measurement we ascertain where it is used, how and, importantly, where opportunities for efficiency improvements exist. The need to undertake such a study may be stipulated in a site’s environmental permit, be part of an environmental management system or as general corporate social responsibility. 

There are a number of justifications for assessing water efficiency. As the company pays for all water passing through their meter(s) there are financial, as well as environmental, incentives for reducing water use. If the water saved is normally treated or heated prior to use or disposal, any efficiencies made will immediately reduce the costs of operation. A lower water consumption will also reduce the waste water bill as this is normally calculated based on the amount of water passing through the supply meter(s). Sometimes an audit will uncover overcharges in a site’s water bills, and these can be claimed back retrospectively up to 6 years. 

Saving water can also be good for the wider environment as it takes significant energy to treat and transport the water through the system. Water is expected to become more scarce in the future due to climate change, increasing consumption and increased development. 

Most companies don’t need an expert to tell them that leaving the tap running is a waste of money and resource, but water is often overlooked in comparison to gas and electricity due to it being a cheaper commodity. Nevertheless, many businesses spend thousands of pounds on water each year, and the support of a professional with an educated eye can mean significant savings. 

If you need any further advice or support on this topic, please get in touch with the Clear Risk Management Environmental team today.

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