Top Winter Tips: Keep your Property and People Safe

Damage to homes and businesses can be caused by a variety of severe weather conditions and, following the first big freeze of the winter, we would therefore like to share some practical tips which should give you some safety guidance and help avoid those unwanted losses occurring:

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Protect your property

There is a lot you can do to minimise the risk of damage from severe weather, starting with an external inspection of your property, using binoculars to check the roof.

  • Look for dislodged and broken slates or tiles and replace any that are damaged
  • Ensure gutters, aerials and satellite dishes are secure
  • Guttering should be fairly free from moss, leaves and grit. Ensure gutters are clear particularly where they meet the downpipes. Blocked gutters are a common cause of household flooding
  • Lead flashing (the strips that cover joins between the walls and roof) should fit snugly and be fixed into the wall with cement
  • Rendered walls should be in good condition with no cracks and painted with good quality masonry paint.
  • If you have a steep driveway, ensure you have snow shovels and grit available
  • Install a lightning conductor if you live in a large building or particularly exposed area

Protect your people

  • Trips and slips are the single most common cause of injuries at work and a risk assessment of areas affected by poor weather should be completed. Considerations should be made for both the public and for your employees (including those asked to keep the premises clear)
  • The Government has issued guidance on snow clearance, which can be found at
  • Monitor the weather forecast in your area and keep employees aware of any weather warnings
  • Make sure drivers are safe on the roads. Here are 12 steps for winter road safety 
  • Be prepared

People who have suffered damage should

Contact their insurer as soon as possible for advice and to get the claim moving. Most insurers have 24-hour emergency helplines

If necessary, arrange for any temporary repairs to stop the damage getting worse. Keep receipts, as they will form part of your claim. 

We hope you find this information useful, and remember to wrap up warm! For further advice and guidance on keeping your homes and businesses safe this winter, call your local office:


London:  0207 280 3450 
Horsham: 01483 274792

01926 420 555

Maidstone: 01622 683913
Spalding: 01775 716570
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