Forklift trucks and other lifting equipment are a popular commodity for a lot of businesses, and they are often driven in areas where people are working. In recent months we have seen several prosecutions relating to workplace transport and this simply reiterates the importance of ensuring you manage the workplace transport on your site.
- A metal fabrication company has been fined £40,000 after an employee suffered a serious leg fracture that led to a below the knee amputation. The employee and a colleague had been loading a steel beam onto the bed of a lorry.
- A company was fined £1.6m after an employee was crushed to death by a load fell on top of him when the lifting sling which was attached to the crane snapped.
In these cases, the court has commented on the inadequacy of the risk assessments and safe systems of work in place relating to workplace transport. They could have been avoided if basic precautions had been put in place.
There are three key areas to consider when assessing the risk on your site:
- safe site (design and activity)
- safe vehicle
- safe driver.
Safe site
The best way to keep people safe is to segregate vehicles and pedestrians. The most effective way to do this is to provide separate pedestrian and vehicle traffic routes. It might be that complete segregation is not possible, so clearly marked pedestrian and vehicle traffic routes using measures such as barriers and signs, would be a suitable alternative.
Reducing vehicle speed is an important part of workplace transport safety. Fixed traffic control measures can reduce vehicle speed and speed limits can also be used, but they need to be appropriate and properly enforced.
Every workplace should have suitable and sufficient lighting.
Around a quarter of all deaths involving vehicles at work occur as a result of reversing, so, reducing the need for reversing on site is important. Where it is necessary, trained banksmen should be used.
To minimise the risks to those involved in loading and unloading, the loading area should be clear of traffic and people not involved in the activity and segregated from other work areas.
Safe vehicle
Vehicles used in the workplace should be suitable for the purpose for which they are used. Warning devices should be fitted, so they stand out to pedestrians.
Vehicles should be maintained in good working order, so they remain mechanically sound. Regular inspections play a vital role in this. Drivers should carry out daily checks.
Safe driver
Drivers should be trained, competent and fit to operate a vehicle safely and receive appropriate information, instruction and training for the vehicle they use.
If you have any questions about health and safety in the workplace, visit our dedicated page for more information.