Occupational Health Insurance

We understand the needs of businesses offering Occupational Health services and arrange insurance solutions to fit your requirements.

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Specialist guidance

No matter the size of your business, caring for the health of your people is top priority.

At Clear, we understand that people form the core of any business. Therefore, it's vital to ensure that the physical and mental wellbeing needs of your staff are met. From Professional Indemnity to medical equipment cover, our team of specialists can arrange a number of insurances to fit your specific requirements.

Tailored cover for Occupational Health

Bullet With Bkg

Professional Indemnity/Medical Malpractice

Bullet With Bkg

Professional Indemnity

Bullet With Bkg

Property Insurance, including portable medical equipment cover

Bullet With Bkg

Public & Products Liability

Bullet With Bkg

Employers' Liability

Bullet With Bkg

Business Interruption

Bullet With Bkg

Nurse Representation Cover

Bullet With Bkg

Extended Run Off cover following retirement or cessation of a business

Bullet With Bkg

Motor Fleet (including screening units)

Bullet With Bkg

Cyber Liability

Let's put you in touch with a specialist

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Want to know more?

Find more information from our knowledgeable professionals in these downloadable documents.

Clear Downloadable Blue

Frequently asked questions

What limit of Indemnity should I buy?

This may depend if you are contractually required to have a certain limit, or what you feel comfortable with. If in doubt, please speak to us.

Can I cover portable medical equipment and or laptops?

Yes, we can extend the policy to provide cover.

Can I pay the cover in instalments?

Yes, we can usually arrange an instalment facility.

Do I need Employers' Liability cover?

Yes, if you employ someone to work for you then by law, you must take out Employers Liability insurance.  Failure to have adequate cover in force could result in your business being fined. For further details about Employers Liability insurance being legally required, please refer to the UK Government website

Does the policy cover me if I'm working abroad?

You will need to speak to us to advise if you have the appropriate professional registration to work overseas.

Why Clear?

Industry-recognised for being people-first, our team of specialists supports start-ups, SMEs, corporates, multinationals and individuals.

Trade specialists

Trade specialists

We offer broad and bespoke sector specialist insurance solutions for peace of mind.

Chartered status

Chartered status

In recognition of our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of knowledge, ethical practice and guidance.

Exceptional service

Exceptional service

We're dedicated to providing exceptional customer service to respond proactively to the needs of our clients.

The bigger picture

Stay informed about insurance news and its impact on you and your business