Scouts, Guides & uniformed youth groups insurance

Come rain or shine, camps or canoes, our insurance for Guides Scouts and other uniformed youth groups can protect you and your members, your camping and activity equipment and more from potential risks.

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We will do our best...

With our offering of low excesses, wide policy terms and even the option of worldwide "all risks" cover for your camping and activity equipment, Clear’s Endeavour-branded insurance scheme has got your back.

We understand the fun of camping trips and activities, but we also know the potential risks and your concerns. That's why our team are here to help—we arrange insurance and provide reassurance, so you can focus on what you do best.

Want to speak to someone?

Call this number 0207 251 6821

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Tailored cover for Scouts, Guides and uniformed Youth Groups

Guides And Scouts

The Scouts Association (including Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Sea Scouts, and the Scout Network)

Guides And Scouts

The Baden-Powell Scouts’ Association

Guides And Scouts

Phoenix Scouts of Britain

Guides And Scouts

The British Boy Scouts and British Girl Scouts Association

Guides And Scouts

The European Scout Federation (British Association)

Guides And Scouts

Plast-Ukranian Scouting in Great Britain

Guides And Scouts

Girl Guiding UK (including Girl Scouts, Brownies, Rangers and Rainbow Guides)

Guides And Scouts

Pathfinder Scouts Association and Rover Explorer Scouts Association

Guides And Scouts

The Boys Brigade and The Girls Brigade

Guides And Scouts

The Air Training Corps

Guides And Scouts

The Army Cadet Force

Guides And Scouts

The Sea Cadets

Guides And Scouts

The Royal Rangers

Guides And Scouts

The British Camp Fire Girls’ Association

What covers can I include?

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Cover for all types of building construction including timber, portable cabins and steel containers

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Camping and activity equipment can be covered “all-risks” worldwide, including whilst in transit and also when left in a trailer overnight (subject to minimum security conditions)

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Cover for trailers can be included for their replacement value (excludes Road Traffic Act liability)

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Low policy excess of £50 other than £100 for worldwide "all risks" cover

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If you need to arrange cover for Public and Employers' Liability, we can include that too.

Want to speak to someone?

Call this number 0207 251 6821

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Frequently asked questions

Our meeting hut is built with timber, can you cover that?

Yes, we can arrange buildings insurance for any types of building construction including buildings  made from timber.

Can you cover our camping and activity equipment?

Yes, we can arrange insurance cover for your camping and activity equipment, either for while  stored, or anywhere in the world on an all-risks basis. We can also arrange insurance cover for your general contents and any unpowered watercraft that you may have, as long as the watercraft are less than 5 metres in length.

We have a trailer which we use for our trips, can you cover that?

We can arrange insurance for your trailer and its contents on a worldwide all-risks basis, subject to minimum security conditions.

Why do I need Public Liability insurance?

If you cause injury to another person or cause damage to their property, then they may make a claim against you for compensation. Public Liability insurance will cover you for any compensation award made against you plus the legal fees to defend you. If you need to arrange cover for this then we can include it for you.

Why do I need Employer’s Liability insurance?

If you employ someone to work for you then by law, you must take out Employer’s Liability insurance. Failure to have adequate cover in force could result in your business being fined. For further details about Employer’s Liability insurance being legally required, please refer to the UK Government website (note that Clear is not responsible for the content of external websites):

What else can we do for you?

We can also arrange cover for the following:

Bullet With Bkg


Bullet With Bkg

Cyber Risks

Bullet With Bkg

Trustees Liability (Directors & Officers Insurance)

Want to speak to someone?

Call this number 0207 251 6821

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